The organ at Boca Grande UMC was purchased with funds from a bequest to the church by Sandi Thomson in May of 2012. The instrument is a Royal Classic III, digital organ, built by Viscount of Italy for Wicks Organ Company of Highland, Illinois and supplied by Church Organ Concepts of Inverness, Florida.
The Instrument consists of three manuals (keyboards) of 61 notes each, a pedal board of 32 notes, and 56 stops (voices). An additional 24 stops were added with the two CM-100 Pipe Organ Digital Modules.
Great Swell Choir Pedal
16 Violone 16 Lieblich 8 Principal 32 Contra Violone
8 Principal 8 Geigen Principal 8 Rohr Flute 16 Principal
8 Harmonic Flute 8 Stopped Flute 8 Dolcan 16 Violone
8 Bourdon 8 Viola 8 Dolcan Celeste 16 Sub Bass
8 Dolce Flute 8 Viola Celeste 4 Principal 16 Lieblich
8 Flute Celeste 4 Octave 4 Nachthorn 8 Octave
4 Octave 4 Flauto Traverso 2 Block Flute 8 Bourdon
4 Spill Flute 2 2/3 Nazard 1 1/3 Larigot 4 Choral Bass
2 2/3 Quint 2 Octavin 1 Sifflute IV Mixture
2 Super Octave 1 3/5 Tierce IV Mixture 32 Contra Bombarde
1 3/5 Terz III-IV Plein Jeu 8 Clarinet 16 Bombarde
IV Fourniture 16 Fagotto 8 English Horn 16 Fagotto
8 Trumpet 8 Trompette Tremolo 8 Trompette
Tremolo 8 Hautbois 8 Festival Trumpet 4 Rohr Schalmei
Chimes 8 Vox Humana MIDI MIDI
MIDI 4 Clarion