Boca Grande Lighthouse United Methodist Church


Every year at the annual FLUMC Charge Conferences each church in each district in the Florida Conference elects officers and approves nominated committee members. The following is a list of all the current Lighthouse UMC Committees and their members.

Elected Officers 

Ruth Paschall- Chairperson Church Council, Pat Witschonke - Church Treasurer, Cindy Handrick - Business Manager,  Becca deRosa - Lay Leader,  Susan Steinfath - Recording Secretary

Staff Pastor-Parish Relations Committee 

Chrys Hyde - Chairperson, Becca deRosa - Lay Leader, Shelia Dorst, Lorri Swords, John Cooke, Richard Klepser, Steph Tevelde

Committee on Finance 

Ross Witschonke - Chairperson, Rev. Daphne Johnson, Becca deRosa - Lay Leader,  Ruth Paschall, Randy Reid, Chrys Hyde, Peter Soderberg, Elsa Soderberg, Pat Wistchonke, Jim Paschall, Cindy Handrick

Board of Trustees 

Randy Reid - Chairperson,  Becca deRosa - Lay Leader,  Marsy Doan, Richard Houck, Bob Dorst, Bill Cunningham, Jim Paschall, Gloria Mitchell

Committee on Nominations and Leadership Development 

Rev. Daphne Johnson - Chairperson, Becca deRosa - Lay Leader, Kathi Hustedt - Vice Chair,  Bruce Stirling, Diane Klepser, Karen Reid, John Mitchell

Endowment Committee 

Pete Durno - Chairperson, Peter Soderberg, Lindy Hustedt, Steven Niemczyk, Richard Houck, Bill Cunningham, Ross Witschonke, Rev. Daphne Johnson.

Missions Committee 

Peter and Elsa Soderberg - Co-Chairs, Becca deRosa, Sheila Dorst,  Ron Thompson,  Jane Caple, Richard Klepser, David Senior, Peter Durno, Pam Bayly,  Marilyn Witt, Daniel Bayly, Pat Witschonke, Ruth Paschall, Karen Reid, Kathy Peters,  Cindy Handrick.